Sarem Specialized Hospital

Welcome to the Saramed Hospital Academy section.

Saramed Academy, as a leading scientific and educational center in the field of health and medicine, is committed to advancing knowledge and research in various medical and health fields. This academy, utilizing advanced infrastructure and a team of experienced specialists and researchers, provides a dynamic and scientific environment for education, research, and development.

Below are the main sections and fields of the Saramed Academy. By selecting each topic, its information will be displayed:

Contact us to get more information about the services and facilities of Sarem Hospital. Our goal is to provide the best care for you.

Mission and Main Objectives of the Publishing Unit

An explanation of the main mission of the publishing unit and its areas of activity.

Research Reports:
Research reports published by Sarem Academy researchers are presented in this section. These reports include ongoing research projects and successful examples of past research reports.
Scientific Articles:
Sarem Academy Publishing regularly publishes researchers' scientific articles in reputable international journals. These articles are published after undergoing a thorough peer-review process to ensure their scientific quality and credibility.
Scientific Articles:
Sarem Academy Publishing regularly publishes researchers' scientific articles in reputable international journals. These articles are published after undergoing a thorough peer-review process to ensure their scientific quality and credibility.
Collaborations and Partnerships:
Sarem Academy Publishing collaborates with prominent researchers and research institutes to publish high-quality and beneficial scientific works. Opportunities for joint research with other scientific and research centers are also introduced in this section.
Online Educational Resources:
This section includes online educational courses and workshops offered by Sarem Academy Publishing. Articles, books, and research reports are available online for download, providing easy access for interested individuals.
Contact Us:
Contact information for authors, researchers, and individuals interested in collaborating with Sarem Academy Publishing is provided in this section. Answers to frequently asked questions about the publication process and collaboration methods are also available here.

Contact Sarem

• Iran, Tehran, Ekbatan, End of Phase 3
• Phone: 0214702
• Email: Site@sarem.org

• Maps

About Us

- Mission and Vision
- Sarem Management Team
- Founder of Sarem
- IVF and Sarem
- Certifications and Awards

Contact Us

News and Events

Virtual Tour

Site Map

Sarem Welcome Brochure

Sarem Branding Brochure

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Facilities and Ergonomics

Sarem Café
Fast Food
Kids Playground
Green Space
Sarem Online Bookstore